A Rewilding Journey: Workable Land

Rewilding… where do you start? You might start with the land.

Roo Williams
6 min readApr 5, 2021
Roo’s garden and soon-to-be paddock

Having grown up on a council estate and spending most of my adult life moving within and between cities, land has been a thing I have not had access to. Not that I’ve seen a place for land in my life until fairly recently.

While being shown around the house we ended up renting, we were offered the opportunity to rent the acre-sized paddock next to our (huge) garden. The estate agent suggested it would be a good move for privacy but also talked casually about the idea of keeping animals on it. We were both a little taken aback. Until now, I’d never considered the potential of having a patch of land to experiment with let alone become responsible for any other lifeforms beyond our pooch, Betty. My mind raced… I already have a wool gilet and wellies, was I going to transition into a farmer? I wondered how I’d look in a flat cap.

As people that have a dog, like to make things, enjoy cooking over fire, and observing the lives of critters, Lydia and I always enjoyed having a garden where possible, even in the city. For me personally, it’s a space where I can get messy and weird without annoying anyone else. Even while living in Brooklyn we committed to parting ways with a sickening amount of rent every month…



Roo Williams

Designer, developer and maker of things that exist on the web and in the world. City quitter. Exploring the concept of rewilding self and environment in Wales.